Sunday, July 13, 2008


There is simply no excuse for the lack of updates. The reason is certainly not due to my decrease in consumption of media entertainment, so I will attempt to rectify that with more timely posts (and perhaps some back-reviewing of notable titles). For future updates, I will continue to use the 5 point system, but for now I will attempt to do without the half-point increments. After reading thru some of my past reviews, I realize that I am still disinclined to use the top 5/5 rating, settling rather on the 4.5 level. Another change is that I will include links to the appropriate page on IMDB (The Internet Movie Database) whenever possible for easy access to complete actor/actress/production/release information.

Finally, to reiterate the purpose of this blog, I wish only to jot down some initial reactions to some things I have watched to hopefully provide some alternative options to the much-hyped productions. A lot of good media slips through the cracks, if simply due to a lack of funds for advertisements and billboards. Thus, tripe-A movies such as those from Pixar or Marvel will never show up here. I also keep my mind open regarding foreign films, in particular with an emphasis on those coming out of Asia, so those will also receive plenty of coverage here.

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