Saturday, May 26, 2007

Heroes, Season 1

Heroes - a show that started with such high hopes. With a truly unique presentation style reminiscent of comic books, Heroes quickly captured America's attention, riding the wave of all those recent Marvel and DC movies. However, Heroes seems to have lost itself in the midst of all the attention and thus finished the season with a mere whimper.

Early on, the show took a slow approach to the whole special power business, very much in line with tagline ordinary people with powers. As time passed, however, many characters were introduced with little or no backstory. The entire story has always been moving toward a nuclear detonation in New York, and the show always gave the indication that all the characters would be connected somehow in the greater story. But this did not pan out. The characters all just happened to be in the same place in the finale episode. This is not how fans should be treated.

Another very annoying aspect of Heroes is that it falls in the new trend in drams to keep the audience in the dark, as if not explaining elements of the plot helps the whole thing succeed. This is a device that should be used with caution, and blatant uses of it here in Heroes are frustrating and serve only to discourage potential viewers. It's hard to going into any more details without spoiling the plot, but I certainly hope that NBC can pick up the slack and deliver something we really want to watch.

Pros: It's X-Men without the license. And everybody likes the X-Men.
Cons: Random characters, random stories, random powers. Is anyone directing this thing?
Conclusion: Now that 23 episodes have passed, Heroes will hopefully get better next season. Good thing each season is a fresh start so none of the bad things of this season should carry over.
Score: 3/5

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